CCA Latest News

Call for Evaluator: CCA x Jerwood = Supports

We are hiring Evaluator

CCA is seeking an Evaluator for the Supports programme: a two-year development programme aimed at supporting emerging artistic practice. A combination of short training courses, mentoring, crits, surgeries, feedback and more will take place throughout 2023–24 made possible with funding from Jerwood Developing Artists Fund. More information on the Supports programme is available here.

As standard, CCA gathers qualitative and quantitative data, continually feeding back to improve activity across our operations. This independent Evaluator role will gauge the impact and efficacy - through consultation, research and reporting - of the Supports programme specifically over an initial period of one year. The fee of £1,500 is calculated as 60 hours (£25 per hour) undertaken over the course of 20 months, which breaks down as approximately 3 hours per month (though this is subject to fluctuation according to programme priorities).

ROLE: Supports Evaluator
20 months
PLACE OF WORK: Flexible as necessary - remotely and at CCA Derry~Londonderry, 10–12 Artillery Street, Derry~Londonderry, BT48 6RG
RESPONSIBLE TO: Director, Supports Coordinator & Researcher
HOW TO APPLY: Please send a CV and cover letter (no longer than two pages) outlining your interest, availability, approach to the role, completed equal opportunities monitoring form and relevant experience in evaluating creative programmes to Jane: by midnight, Wednesday 15 March 2023, or by post to:
Mel Bradley
Office Manager
CCA Derry~Londonderry
10-12 Artillery Street
BT48 6RG
DEADLINE: Wednesday 15 March 2023, midnight

Download the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form:
| Word doc