booksvscigarettes and Outburst - The Daddy Dialectic

Outburst and CCA Derry-Londonderry are delighted to present the next instalment of booksvscigarettes, reading Jordy Rosenberg’s essay from the Los Angeles Review of Books, ‘The Daddy Dialectic’.
Rosenberg’s weaves together ideas about neofascism, desire, Marxism, the politics of the transgender body and the queering of the family into a complex and personal essay that is both a memoir and an astute analysis of current political urgencies.
The focus of Outburst booksvscigarettes is on queer thinking and ideas, including discourses around race, neoliberalism and disability. Initiated by CCA, booksvscigarettes provides an informal, friendly and social atmosphere in which to explore challenging and compelling texts and ideas.
There’s no need to prepare before – just turn up and we’ll read together.
This event is free and open to the public but please register via email: hello@outburstarts.com
Please let us know if you have any specific access needs.
booksvscigarettes takes its name from George Orwell’s essay which assessed the price and value of reading against other pursuits.
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