Bounce Festival: Grounding & Flying Dreams

The Bounce Festival is visiting CCA's Project Space with new work by Sinéad O'Donnell. The dual-screen video work was developed from research exploring public space and its relationship to feminine empowerment - an ongoing concept that informs her work.
On her inspiration for these videos, Sinéad says: ‘during the pandemic I found myself thinking: where can I make my work? And do I feel safe in public spaces making my work? At the same time, the rise in domestic violence was being reported in the media and the seriousness of this reality was becoming an everyday thought. I thought about a person, or a family, not feeling safe at home and how I could make work publicly and safely’.
Special thanks from the artist to Zara Lyness and Marta Dyczkowska. For more information visit: sineadodonnell.com.
Bounce is the annual arts festival produced by University of Atypical that showcases outstanding new work by D/deaf, disabled and neurodiverse artists, writers, producers, actors, dancers, musicians, and directors.
Image: Sinéad O'Donnell: Grounding, video still, videographer: Marta Dyczkowska, 2021. Image courtesy of the artist.

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