CCA Introducing: Conveyor / CCA yn cyflwyno: Cyfleuwr
We’re looking forward to handing our Instagram over to Wales based curatorial platform Conveyor for our next CCA Introducing, tomorrow across the day of Wednesday 12 December 2024.
Ry’n ni’n edrych ymlaen at roi’n Instagram drosodd i’r platfform curadurol Cymreig, Conveyor/Cyfleuwr, yn ein CCA Introducing nesaf, fory ar dydd Iau, Rhagfyr 12fed 2024.
Conveyor is a nomadic arts initiative and curatorial platform in development. Based in North Wales, it derives its name from a thing which communicates or transfers energy, and will produce collaborative public programmes which connect with people and places.
It is being led by David Cleary (he/him), a curator who aims to nurture artistic collaborations in rural and coastal localities. Working closely with artists and communities, he develops residencies and public programmes to explore the intersections of culture, ecology and social practice.
Platfform curadurol ar-waith a menter gelfyddydol nomadig yw Cyfleuwr. Mae wedi’i enwi am y peth hwnnw sy’n cyfathrebu neu’n cyfnewid egni; gan weithio yng ngogledd Cymru, bydd yn cynhyrchu rhaglenni cyhoeddus casglebol sy’n cysylltu pobl â llefydd.
Arweinir gan David Cleary (fe/fo), curadur sy’n meithrin cydweithrediadau creadigol mewn lleoliadau gwledig-arfordirol. Gan weithio’n agos gydag artistiaid a’u cymunedau, mae’n datblygu preswylfeydd a rhaglenni sy’n archwilio rhyngblethiadau diwylliant, ecoleg a phractis gymdeithasol.
ID: A collection of words in teal, orange, yellow and blue sandwiched between Conveyors logos.
ID: Casgliad o eiriau mewn gwyrddlas, oren, melyn a glas, wedi’u brechdanu rhwng logos Cyfleuwr.
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