CCA Introducing: Ellen O'Donohue Oddy

On Wednesday 29 September 2021 from 10am, follow writer and broadcaster Ellen O'Donohue Oddy as she takes over our Instagram and Twitter pages to share her work and research for CCA Introducing 2021. Ellen has been nominated by CCA's Marketing and Digital Programmes Coordinator Fiona Allan, who is curating the CCA Introducing 2021 programme.
Ellen O'Donohue Oddy is a writer and radio host. She is currently writing her first manuscript of short stories that explores stories of the Irish diaspora in Britain. She has previously published work in Radical Art Review (read the article How Surrealism Grew Up online), TIMES online publication (read Ruins online), Maraav Magazin, Jazz Research Journal, and Dazed. Ellen also hosts Talking Notes, a monthly radio show on Subcity Radio that explores the intersection between music and literature.
In this takeover, Ellen will be sharing excerpts from her short stories alongside archive photos from her family albums. She will also be sharing the research behind her stories, and launching a new venture that you can be part of.

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