CCA Introducing: Landi Kirkwood

On Wednesday 25 August 2021 from 10am, follow artist Landi Kirkwood as she takes over our Instagram and Twitter pages to share her work and research for CCA Introducing 2021. Landi has been nominated by CCA's Marketing and Digital Programmes Coordinator Fiona Allan, who is curating the CCA Introducing 2021 programme.
Landi Kirkwood creates work that reflects upon identity and legacy using a range of processes, including sculpture, lens media and performance. Exploring individual as well as societal trauma, her interest is in not only its occurrence, but the potentiality for healing in its aftermath. Her performances are in defiance of social myth, her work often challenging ideological and institutional dominance through the exploration of raw material, textual and technological processes.
Landi will be sharing performative text and drawings, videos as well as images - also research processes and what she's currently reading.

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