CCA Introducing: Leah Hickey

On Monday 10 October 2022, we're delighted to present our next CCA Introducing artist, Leah Hickey, who will takeover both our Instagram and Twitter accounts.
Throughout the day, Leah will give an insight into her work, research and references that shape her practice, concerned with love, loss and dysphoria.
Leah was recommended by artist Morgan Quaintance, who previously took part in CCA Derry~Londonderry's writing workshops with PVA and guests.
Leah Hickey (b. 1996) is an artist concerned with love, loss and dysphoria. Through short-form autobiographical prose, typographic design and photographic self-portraiture, Hickey exorcises the emotional trauma brought about by varying forms of grief: bereavement, betrayal, breakdowns and first loves. Influenced by Nihilist and post-Feminist praxis, Hickey's practice foremost lends itself to the post-Pop Art movement of the 1970s, alongside mid-century adult material, to navigate axis of identity under Patriarchy.

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