CCA Introducing: Nat Akinyi

On Thursday 1 July 2021 from 10am, follow artist Nat Akinyi as she takes over our Instagram and Twitter pages to share her work and research for CCA Introducing 2021. CCA Introducing is a series of 24 hour social media takeovers by emerging artists. Each artist has been nominated by an artist or curator connected to CCA. Nat has been nominated by CCA's Marketing Assistant Fiona Allan, who is curating the CCA Introducing 2021 programme.
Nat Akinyi makes digital paintings and animations that address the lack of positive representation of black people, particularly Africans, and people of colour within contemporary popular media, culture, and visual art. She works in a realistic, detailed style, focusing on figurative depictions of Africans and the African diaspora that challenges stereotypical representations. Her aim is to add to the work of other Africans in the diaspora and within the continent that challenges existing representation, whilst also shining a light on how inequality manifests itself in technology, climate, and the environment.
Nat will be sharing her work as well as the influences that inspire it including African culture and history (particularly Kenyan, Zambian, and South African culture), historical Jazz performers, and people of colour in classic cinema.

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