CCA Introducing: R Talitha Samuel

CCA Introducing continues with a takeover by R Talitha Samuel, an independent cultural producer and editor based in New Delhi, India. R's takeover, entitled Samuel, meaning 'God Has Heard', will take place on CCA's Instagram and Spotify on Sunday 24 March 2024.
R has been nominated by CCA Research Associate Vishal Kumaraswamy.
Below, you can find a description of the residency:
I had a totally different plan in mind for this visual and audio project when I initially started out. However, just before I was all set to hit record, my grandfather got very sick and passed away. This was during the month of December 2023, and it naturally changed the course of not only my life and understanding of myself but also of this work. I wanted to explore why I do what I do in terms of my approach to audio as a medium, mediated through the literal voices of members of my community and my family. Now, my takeover, Samuel, meaning 'God Has Heard', composed of audio recordings, old Tamil hymns and voice notes will dive into the warp and weft of grief, collective prayer, sound as infrastructure, recording as witness and what it means to be a man.

R. Talitha Samuel's written work, from essays to reported features and art criticism, has been published at home and abroad. Currently, they are in the process of expanding their critical and generative practice into mixed-media media collaging and research-based narrative soundscaping, building on their top-rated underground podcast, Clear Blue Skies S1: Experiencing Ambedkar (2021-23). Under the support of CBS Productions, Samuel is building a body of work exploring (to begin with) experimental public radio, liberation theology, speculative fiction and desi hip-hop.
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