Intimate Atmospheres: Queer Theory in a Time of Extinctions
Join us in CCA on Saturday 3rd September from 11am to 1pm for the next booksvscigarettes reading group event, where we’ll be reading Neel Ahuja’s Intimate Atmospheres: Queer Theory in a Time of Extinctions. Taken from the Queer Inhumanisms issue of GLQ, edited by Mel Y. Chen and Dana Luciano, Intimate Atmospheres was one of a number of essays that sought to ‘decentre the human in queer theory, exploring what it means to treat the human as simply one of many elements in a queer critical assemblage.’
Proposing an ecological dimension of queer critique, Ahuja looks at relationships between reproduction and extinction using racialised fears of mosquito-borne diseases, interspecies entanglement, the AIDS crisis and climate crisis as reference points.
The text can be read/downloaded here or email info@cca-derry-londonderry.org for a .pdf.
This event is free and open to the public but please email info@cca-derry-londonderry.org to let us know you’re coming.
booksvscigarettes is CCA’s intermittent reading group. It takes its name from George Orwell’s essay which assessed the price and value of reading against other pursuits.