Lifelong Learning Festival 2022

For this year's Lifelong Learning Festival 2022 the Centre for Contemporary Art Derry~Londonderry launches a new Family Activity Pack for our younger visitors to use while visiting the gallery. The bags launch online on Monday 25 April and are available in the gallery from Tuesday 26 April at 12 noon.

Local P4 and P5 school children from The Fountain Primary School Derry~Londonderry worked with artist educator Sarah McNabb to help with the design process. Graphic designer Elly Makem who goes by the name of Elly Makes, used this feedback to create a two sided activity sheet.
Elly introduces our new character Inspector Hops, who sets out a series of Missions to do while in the gallery. Each pack also contains playful and curious objects, to encourage a fun and interactive way of looking at and engaging with the artwork in each of our exhibitions. Elly has designed a sticker that is given out when the missions are complete and you return your bag to the office.
The packs are available to the public from Tuesday–Saturday, noon–6pm from the CCA office. Just ask a member of staff.

Supported by the National Lottery through the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Derry City & Strabane District Council.

With thanks to The Sandwich Company, The Diamond who have kindly sponsored one of the bags. If you would like to sponsor a bag, please get in touch at info@ccadld.org.

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