No title, repetition

Please join us Friday April 22 at 4pm for No title, repetition, the first public event in this year’s Our Neighbourhood project, led by Dublin-based artist Sarah Pierce. The project this year hinges around Pierce’s interest in community, looking at the conditions of dementia as both intimate and communal. The project follows the protocols that people with dementia call upon: withdrawal, insistence, repetition, confabulation. In its initial phase, it has sought to compile a glossary of terms and set of ideas offered by writers, thinkers, and artists whose work addresses these protocols. The event takes its name (No title) from a later work by the artist Willem de Kooning.
This event will focus on repetition. It will include a brief presentation on the development of the project and outline the process undertaken with local participants who have a diagnosis of dementia. It will then centre on the work of writer and curator Mason Leaver-Yap, presenting a text written by Leaver-Yap on repetition, and screening two films she has selected:
The Future’s Getting Old Like The Rest Of Us (2010), Beatrice Gibson, George Clark
Stoneymollan Trail (2015), Charlotte Prodger
No title, repetition takes place as part of CCA’s Our Neighbourhood project in conjunction with the Creativity and Dementia artists’ residential organised by the Dementia Festival of Ideas. Our Neighbourhood is generously funded by the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation.
Mason Leaver-Yap works with artists to produce texts and events. Recent projects include work with Uri Aran, Leslie Thornton, Lucy McKenzie, Hanne Darboven, Andrea Büttner, Shahryar Nashat, Ellen Cantor, Moyra Davey, Pat Hearn, Jesse Jones and Vaari Claffey, Sharon Hayes, Dexter Sinister, Park McArthur, Charlotte Prodger, James Richards, and Pauline Boudry / Renate Lorenz.
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