Our Neighbourhood - Events Programme

16 May 15—23 May 15

As part of the Our Neighbourhood Project, a number of sessions further exploring animal/human relationships and animal perception take place at CCA.

Experimental writing with Jessica Foley at Lurgybrack Open Farm

Jessica Foley leads an experimental writing workshop at Letterkenny’s Lurgybrack Farm. The process includes an exploration of the open farm followed by informal conversation and reflection within the group. The session brings people together to collectively reconsider ideas, words, customs, objects, and practices – leading to a structured writing session.

Sound and Empathic Design workshop in CCA with Matt Green and Clyde Doyle

Matt Green facilitates a workshop upon the theme of the aural-perceptual abilities of differing animals. The workshop is to be practical, open and explorative. The workshop addresses critical listening, field recording and sound processing, and culminate with a mask making activity inspired by the work of Clyde Doyle. If consideration of why a Barn Owl’s ears are asymmetric, one ear being higher than the other, appeals to you, then please join us. Likewise, if deep reflective listening to the sound environment through the guise of our non-human compatriots appeals, then come along.

Human animals designing for non-human animals is not uncommon, but is it possible to design and make, not just for other species, but with other species? Clyde Doyle’s experimental workshop will use new design methods to explore our zones of proximity with other beings. Using signs in the world shared with other species to analyse information, our aim will be to develop empathy with those beings.

Studio Hato Book Design Workshop

Studio Hato works with participants to begin to design a book as the final outcome of the Our Neighbourhood project.

Hato consists of Hato Press, an independent printing and publishing house; Studio Hato, a design studio, and Hato Labo, a digital production house. Since 2009, Hato has been producing books, magazines, exhibitions, identities, websites, dinners, furniture and many things in-between.