School's Programme: Crossing the Park

This page is for all the children taking part in CCA Derry~Londonderry's School's Programme activity Catch//Kick by artist educator Matthew Donnelly.
We are delighted to share this activity for you to do in your own classroom. It is inspired by the solo exhibition Crossing the Park by artist Michael Hanna. Thank you all for coming to the gallery to visit the exhibition. We hope you enjoyed hearing about Michael's attempt to change which football team he supports, from Everton to their local rivals Liverpool.
All schools will receive their pack containing flip books designed by Matthew. The activity is inspired by the football theme in the exhibition. Watch the video below as Matthew explains how to animate a ball being kicked from one player to the other. He has drawn the catch and kick to get you started. You will each use your own flip book and drawing to make your ball move!
Have fun and we look forward to seeing your creations!! You can tag us @CCADLD
Matthew Donnelly is an illustrator and animator based in Derry~Londonderry.
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