This page is for all of the school children taking part in CCA Derry~Londonderry’s School’s Project: SEAMS with artist educator Jack McGarrigle.
We would like to say a big HELLO to our school children. Thank you for coming to the gallery to visit SEAMS, a solo exhibition by artist Laura Wilson. We hope you enjoyed looking at the work.
We are delighted to share with you our School’s Project. Jack has designed an activity for you to do in your classroom. This activity is based on Laura Wilson's exhibition SEAMS. We know you were all really interested in the table-top loom. If you would like a recap, you can visit here, where you will find images of the exhibition and watch a video interview with the artist Laura Wilson.
Your class has received materials and an an individual peg board for you to take part. You can join in with the activity by watching Jack’s workshop video below.
Tag your creations @CCADLD as we cant wait to see what you create!
Big thank you to Jack McGarrigle and Lyric Theatre Scene Shop @lyricbelfast for the use of their workshop and equipment to make the peg boards. You can see Jack making these in the video above.
Supported by the National Lottery through the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and Derry City & Strabane District Council.

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