Window Text: February 16th 2024 (After Sister Kimberly)

The next in our series of window text commissions is Febrary 16th 2024 (After Sister Kimberly) by medb and Nessa Finnegan. Ten artists/writers were invited to create one page of text – a completely open brief. The texts range from dense, deeply personal accounts to bold slogans, personal, political, observations or a call to action, each capturing the different thoughts and feelings of the author. The texts have been designed by different artists and designers and printed in a risograph edition by Derry Print Workshop.
The texts are visible from CCA's windows, each for two weeks, as well as visible online here and distributed across our region. All ten will be available later in the year as a bundle edition available to buy from CCA's shop as a fundraiser.
Febrary 16th 2024 (After Sister Kimberly)
Author: medb
Designer: Nessa Finnegan
Printer: Derry Print Workshop
Risograph edition of 200
About the author & designer:
medb is a multi-disciplinary artist, writer, and musician - born under the sign of Taurus, raised in Lisburn. She holds a BA from ECA, an MA from CSM, and the title of CEO of her own self-published art and fashion rag Thumb Suck Girl. Her work primarily concerns love, death, and every nostalgic notion in between.
About the text, medb states, "there is nothing more otherworldly to me than being on the bus at dusk, no matter where you’re coming from or where you’re going. It is an indescribable feeling reminiscent of some of my most magical evenings."
medb.info | @m_e_d_b_ | @thumbsuckgirl
Berlin based, Irish artist Nessa Finnegan explores a wide spectrum of established roles and rules, authority and power in her visual art practice. Engaging in collaborative processes to create immersive installations featuring video, soft sculpture and text based work. Nessa’s work maintains a healthy dose of voyeurism, humour and discomfort.
Struck by a yearning desire and moving pace within this text by medb, Nessa chose to create a text work that is reflective of the wispy movements of memory. Evading concrete accompanying imagery, the work aims to offer its reader a moment of unbridled nostalgic fantasy to create or seek an ephemeral moment in their mind, short lived and tantalising....you can almost taste it.
nessafinnegan.net | @nessafinnegan
This project was made possible thanks to support from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Derry City & Strabane District Council and Art Fund.
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