Window Text: what the water whispers

23 Jul 24—05 Aug 24
Window Text Moran Been Noon Emily Waszak detail

what the water whispers is the next in our window text commissions by artists, writers, and designers. Ten artists/writers were invited to create one page of text – a completely open brief. The texts range from dense, deeply personal accounts to bold slogans, personal, political, observations or a call to action, each capturing the different thoughts and feelings of the author. The texts have been designed by different artists and designers and printed in a risograph edition by Derry Print Workshop.

The texts are visible from CCA's windows, each for two weeks, as well as visible online here and distributed across our region. All ten will be available later in the year as a bundle edition available to buy from CCA's shop as a fundraiser.

what the water whispers
Author: Moran Been-noon
Designer: Emily Waszak
Printer: Derry Print Workshop
Risograph edition of 200

About the author & designer: 

Moran Been-noon is an Israeli Dublin-based visual artist. She predominantly makes moving image installations using animation, archived material, and non-traditional projections. Using her identity and lived experience she explores post-migration life and how compound ethnicities influence one's sense of belonging. Moran is interested in the relationship between folkloric places (real or imagined) and the self (foreign or local). Recently, her research expanded to include narratives from the places "left behind" by those emigrated. 

@batinzedesert | @iatrus_residency_program

Emily Waszak is a Donegal-based visual artist of Japanese-descent working in sculpture and textiles. With a background in industrial weaving, her work is concerned with ritual and ruin. As a widow, themes of grief and loss are ever present in her art.

Waszak’s work has been exhibited in Ireland and internationally. Recent solo exhibitions include: The Land and Others Including the Dead, Pallas Projects/Studios, Dublin; Grief Weaving, Regional Cultural Centre, Letterkenny; Shadow and Fold, Arts Itoya, Japan; To Guide Shadows, Old Church Grangegorman, Dublin. Her work was also exhibited in IMMA as part of the RDS Visual Arts Awards exhibition. |

This project was made possible thanks to support from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, Derry City & Strabane District Council and Art Fund.

Window Text: what the water whispers
Window Text: what the water whispers