STILL LIFE GREEN 1 e1573925964564
Product Code: 00021

‘STILL LIFE’ Issue 3 – Hamish MacPherson

Category: Guest Publications | Zines |


STILL LIFE is an online and printed zine about relationships and configurations in which one person is still while others are not. Or where one person is passive and one is active. It’s about how we put ourselves in other people’s hands. Or how we are put in other people’s hands. It’s about care and power and vulnerability and agency. And other things not so clearly named. It’s about the different kinds of expertise that people have about their own and other people’s bodies. And the kind of philosophical and political understandings woven into that expertise.

STILL LIFE is part of Hamish MacPherson’s Configurations series which orbits around the idea of care as an aesthetic, choreographic and political practice. As a negotiation of constantly fluctuating needs, capacities and interests. And in particular, care that is disengaged, reluctant or otherwise complicated and with problems.

Hamish MacPherson is part of the group exhibition Urgencies.